Ithaca Youth Bureau Circa 2014


This was the website for the Ithaca Youth Bureau, a Department of the City of Ithaca.
Content is from the site's 2014 archived pages providing a glimpse of what the Ithaca Youth Bureau offered and still offers its community.

The current site for the Ithaca Youth Bureau is found at;


Ithaca Youth Bureau 
1 James L. Gibbs Dr
Ithaca NY 14850
(607) 273-8364

A little about ourselves

The Ithaca Youth Bureau Recreation Department offers year round recreation programming for youth and families.  Sports, lessons, camps, expressive arts, theatre classes and more are offered.  The I (Ithaca) PLAY BOOK (Program Line-up for Active Youth Book) is printed three times a year and is made available at various community locations and public and private schools.

Mission Statement

To provide quality, inclusive programming for the changing recreation and leisure interests of the community.  Our focus is on opportunities for youth and families through expressive arts, sport programs, special events, lessons and summer camps.

Our Diversity Statement

The Ithaca Youth Bureau is dedicated to fostering a community and workforce that values, respects, and includes all people. To ensure a safe, affirming, and nurturing environment welcoming to everyone, the Youth Bureau actively celebrates differences and promotes mutual respect, cultural diversity, and inclusion in all its programs. The organization hopes that its programs will assist participants and their families in developing new relationships that strengthen and unite the community. My wife and I, now both retired, have been seeking ways to give back to our community in Ithaca. While I started working at an animal shelter, my wife, a former elementary school Special Education teacher with a love for working with children, decided to volunteer as a "Big Sister" through the Ithaca Youth Bureau. She affectionately refers to herself as "Big Gramma" in this role. So far, my wife has befriended three different seven-year-old students. Although the volunteer requirements state that a "Big Sister" should meet with their assigned child for 6-8 hours per month and check in monthly with a case manager, my wife has dedicated many more hours to these delightful children. The experience has been incredibly rewarding for her, and she often encourages our Ithaca friends to get involved with the Ithaca Youth Bureau. One of the most inspiring volunteers at the Youth Bureau is a former truck injury attorney. This individual brings a unique perspective to the organization, combining legal knowledge with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by children growing up in impoverished communities. The attorney's experience in dealing with complex cases has translated into an ability to navigate difficult situations with sensitivity and compassion. What sets this volunteer apart is their exceptional kindness and empathy towards the children in the program. Despite coming from a high-stress legal background, the former attorney has shown a remarkable ability to connect with kids on their level, offering both practical guidance and emotional support. Their legal expertise has also proven invaluable in advocating for the rights and needs of underprivileged youth within the community. The presence of such diverse volunteers, from retired teachers to former attorneys, enriches the Ithaca Youth Bureau's programs and demonstrates the organization's commitment to creating a nurturing environment that celebrates differences and promotes inclusivity. These dedicated individuals, each bringing their unique skills and experiences, play a crucial role in strengthening the community and making a lasting positive impact on the lives of Ithaca's youth.


On the initiative of a group of concerned citizens, the Ithaca Youth Bureau (IYB) was created in 1947, with Sam Woodside serving as director on a volunteer basis. The following year, by a resolution of Common Council, the IYB became an officially designated department of the city with the charge to provide youth programs in the community. Edgar Siebring was the first paid director.

The IYB was 1 of 6 original agencies established under the New York State Youth Commission Act of 1945. The current state umbrella agency for youth bureaus, the Office of Children and Family Services, still provides matching funds to the city toward the cost of youth programming under revised provisions of that original legislation.

The city charter requires the IYB "to coordinate, foster, and supplement the activities of public agencies and programs devoted in whole or in part to the welfare of youth in and about the City of Ithaca which may wish to come under its auspices, and to cooperate with other agencies working toward this goal. The activities shall conform with state law supporting its activities and be subject to such rules and regulations as may be imposed by the government of the City of Ithaca." 


Cass Park

Cass Park is a regionally, active park used heavily by residents from all parts of Tompkins County. In addition to the ice rink and swimming pool, there are four tennis courts, 20 athletic fields (4 of them lighted), playground equipment, an exercise trail and a large picnic pavilion.

Please note reservations for pavilion rental are handled by the Ithaca Youth Bureau. Please call the IYB @ 273-8364 for further information about the Cass & Stewart Park pavilions.

Cass Park History

The land that is known as Cass Park came to the City in several different parcels. One area was acquired in 1925 as part of lands put in trust for the City by former Ithaca Mayor Newman and others. Previously, in 1908, the City purchased an area between the Inlet and the lakefront. These lands were originally earmarked for a municipal lakefront park. When the Inlet was dredged for the Barge Canal in the early 1900s, the marshland to the west was filled in and planted with peach trees. The orchard was not successful and the area eventually became a flying field. This area was leased to the Thomas-Morse Aviation Company for the testing of airplanes and for an aviation school before, during, and after WWI. Eventually the land (about 122 acres)

Aerial View of Cass Park

was developed and used as a municipal airport (the third-oldest airport in the United States).

In 1929 the City bought several small pieces of property between the railroad tracks and the Inlet. The area was called Silent City, a collection of shacks put up in the late nineteenth century and later abandoned. The shacks were removed as a part of the park project. The last parcel was acquired by the City in 1966. It was owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad and included the old railroad loop. A city marina was built and in the early 1970s, the State took over the area and constructed the Allen H. Treman Marina, at about the same time that Cass Park was developed. A few years earlier the flood control channel was dug and the dredged material from the channel was used to fill the area that is today the southern portion of Cass Park. Development of Cass Park continued through 1971 and 1972. A covered ice rink was opened in November 1972, followed in the summer by the opening of an olympic-sized swimming pool and several ball fields. Today Cass Park is a regionally active park used heavily by residents from all parts of Tompkins County. In addition to the ice rink and swimming pool, there are four tennis courts, 20 athletic fields(4 of them lighted), playground equipment, an exercise trail and a large picnic pavilion.



Cass Park Pool

Dates, Hours, & Prices

The 2014 Season will run from Friday, June 20th through Sunday, August 17th!

The last 4 days (Fri.20th -Wed..25th) that schools are in session, we will be open

ONLY from 3-7 pm!
All other weekdays we will open 1-7 pm  & Weekends 12-7pm.

  Daily Admission Prices    

+IYB Rec Customer


Unregistered Customer

Infants (Birth -11 months)     FREE   $3.00
Child (1-12 yrs)    




Student (13-17) or Senior (60+)    




Adult (18 –59 yrs)    




+ Don’t pay more for daily admission, register free to become an IYB Rec. Customer !

Save Time in Line!  If you or your child have previously registered for programs through the IYB Rec. Department, then you are already a registered IYB REC Customer.  If not, please print, complete, & send in a registration form before you come to visit or bring it with you! 

Forms are processed at the Ithaca Youth Bureau and Cass Park during regular business hours.
Season Passes are available!
Long Course Lap Swimming

WHO: ages 13 and up

WHEN:  June 30th – August 15th      
Mon. – Thurs. 7:15 – 9:15 am & 11:30am – 12:30pm  

(except July 4th)  

Daily Session Price:  $5.00
Season LAP ONLY Pass Rate:  $50.00

Lap Pass valid ONLY during these special LAP times!
Regular Pool Season Pass is NOT valid for these special lap times!


Group Rates are available!

The pool is available for use by groups and organizations with a minimum of 10 people during open swim at a discounted group rate if scheduled at least 10 days in advance. Youth Groups / Organizations please call for special pricing.  Click to send a request more information. 



2014 Season Pass Information

Season passes are available to Recreation Partnership Members (residents who live within the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Town of Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Newfield, Ulysses, and the Village of Lansing).

Season Passes are available to RP Members ONLY.    

Other RP Member prices


City & Town

of Ithaca


Child (1-12 yrs)    




Student (13-17) or Senior (60+)    




Adult (18 –59 yrs)    




Family (3-5 members)    




* add $35 /**add $20 for each additional member 

For an extra $5 per pass, you may add an Alex Haley Pass to your Cass Pool pass.

(An Alex Haley Only Pass may be purchased at G.I.A.C., 272-3622).


NEW - PROOF of RESIDENCY MUST be provided for ALL Adults.

Acceptable Proofs for ADULTS with photo ID – Utility Bill, Lease w/ Address, Driver’s License, or Vehicle Registration.


Cass Park Pool Passes may be purchased at the Ithaca Youth Bureau and Cass Park from

May 1st – July 18th ONLY as noted below:

Cass Park Pool — pre-season TBD (check back or call for hours late April or early May) &

during the 1st 2 weeks ONLY of the pool season (June 20 – July 6th ONLY)

Ithaca Youth Bureau — 8:00am-5:00pm weekdays (May 1st – July 18th)


Purchase a pass during 1st 3 weeks of May between May 1-23 and SAVE!

$10 off an individual pass OR $20 off a family/multiple pass purchase.

Purchase a pass during first 3 weeks of June between June 2-20 and SAVE!

$5 off an individual pass OR $10 off a family/multiple pass purchase.

Only 1 Discount / Household!



Cass Park Ice Rink

Cass Park Ice Rink opens on October 24th for Public Skate Sessions.

Weekdays:  Monday – Friday 9:30-11:30am, 11:45am – 2:15pm, 2:30-5:00pm (5:30pm on Fridays)

Evenings: Friday & Saturday 7-10 PM

Weekends: Saturday & Sunday 2:30-5:15 PM

Expressive Arts

The current expressive arts program features: Camps, Theater & Art

Theater Programs:

  • Improvmania
  • Imagine that
  • Theater Buffet

Art Programs

* Mud Art

* Wheel Throwing & More

* Adult/Child Pottery Time

* Artstravaganza

Community Programs

  • Little Voices
  • Tot Spot
  • Climbing and Jr. Climbing Adventure
  • Zumba Kids
  • Zumba Kids Jr.
  • Swimming Lessons
  • Tae Kwon Do
  • Fencing

Cross Country Running Program

Fall Youth Sports

Cross Country Running Program

Cross Country

Boys and girls ages 9-13 can participate in a cross country running program designed to build running skills, endurance and overall wellness.  Running will be off-road terrain, fields, and some pavement.  This program is for children who have prior experience running and are able to comfortable run 1 mile.


Rotary Fall Youth Soccer

Rotary Soccer Shirt

Rotary soccer is a Pre K – 8th grade program for all youth players.  The program is designed for children to have fun while learning the skills and rules needed to play the game of soccer.  Emphasis is placed on enjoyment and learning, not on winning and competition.

Practices for grades 2-8 are held on Tuesdays or Thursdays and games are played on Sunday afternoons at Cass Park.  Players in the Pre K – 1st grade coed divisions practice and play on Sundays only.


Small Fry Football


Here is your chance to begin playing football as part of the county-wide Youth Football League.  The program focuses on skill building and fun.  Small Fry football has two divisions for players. The Junior division is for players 9 years or older.  The senior division is for players 11 years or older.

Small Fry Flag Football

Introductory football program for boys and girls in grades 1 & 2.




Learn exciting new dance moves, combining hip hop dance, traditional cheer and other styles used by today’s cheerleaders and professional dancers.  Participants will cheer during Small Fry Football games throughout the season.



Cross Country Running Program

Boys and Girls ages 9 to 13 can participate in a cross country program designed to build running skills, endurance and overall wellness.  Running will be off road terrain, fields, and some pavement.  This program is for children who have had some experience running and are able to comfortably run 1 mile.

Instructor/coaches:    Francesca Crannell & Gary Weiss

  • Who:     Boys & Girls ages 9-13
  • When:   Monday/Wednesday 5:30-6:30 PM, Sept. 8th – Oct. 6th
  • Where: Various Locations
  • Week 1: Cass Park
  • Week 2: Stewart Park
  • Week 3: Lower Buttermilk Falls
  • Week 4: Sapsucker Woods
  • Week 5: South Hill Rec Way

Fee:        $40 Recreation Partnership Discount / $80 N. M.



Intro to Fencing – Fall 2014

Intro to Fencing

Classical Fencing is a martial art that uses the sword to cultivate self-mastery.  It has been likened to “playing a Bach fugue on the violin while running sprints up a hill.” It is a precise, skill-based art that is both physically and mentally demanding.  Classical fencing is also a discipline with a strict code of chivalric conduct intended to unlock the hero in every child’s heart.

  • Instructor:    Linda Wyatt, Prevost d’Armes
  • Who:  Ages 8-up
  • Where: Ithaca Youth Bureau
  • When: Sundays 1:00-2:00 PM, ten weeks
  • Sept. 14 – Nov. 16
  • Fee:
  • $63 City Resident Discount / $90 Non-Resident



Small Fry Football

A chance to begin football as part of the county-wide Youth Football League.  The program focuses on skill-building and fun, low-level competition.

Who: Boys & Girls, ages 9-12

  • Junior Level: Must be 9 by Aug. 18 and cannot turn 11 on or before Oct. 26.
  • Senior Level: Must be 11 by Aug. 18 and cannot turn 13 on or before Oct. 26.
  • Where: Ithaca High School Football Field and practice fields, County Area School Fields.
  • When: Season – Aug. 18 – Oct. 26
  • Equipment: Equipment hand-out: Aug. 16, 9:45 AM – Noon at IYB
  • League Coordinator: Michael Bianconi
  • Fee: $70 Recreation Partnership Discount / $140 Non – RP

**Parents Meeting: MANDATORY MEETING for all parents of 3-6 graders on Aug. 13, 6:00 PM, at Ithaca Youth Bureau.

COACHES MEETINGS: August 12, 6:00 PM at IYB

COACHES TRAINING: August 13, 6:00 PM at IYB

MANDATORY PLAYER WEIGH-IN: September 6th, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  All players must attend or will not be eligible for game play.



Small Fry Flag Football

A chance for an early start to the Small Fry Football Program.  Focus will be on skill development and fun!

Who:  Grades 1 and 2

Where: Ithaca High School Football Field

When: Season: Sept. 8 – Oct 26 (Practices Mon. – Thurs 6-7:30 PM, two practices per week determined by coaches.) In house league with some game traveling.  All players meet, ready to play at IHS fields on Sept. 9 at 6 PM.

Fee: $35 Recreation Partnership/$70 Non-member



Seasonal Employment

If you are interested in one of our part-time, seasonal opportunities found below; please complete the online pre-screen form or print and complete a seasonal application (PDF), then drop off or mail to:

The Ithaca Youth Bureau
1 James L. Gibbs Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850

If you're applying specifically for a position at Cass Park, drop off or mail to:
Cass Park
701 Taughannock Blvd.
Ithaca, NY 14850

For local teens interested in summer work, especially 14 and 15 year olds, please visit the Youth Employment Service main page to see if you are eligible and download an application.

Cass Park and Recreation Department Opportunities
Please Note: Not all positions may be available every year. It depends on the number of returning rehires from the prior year.

Interviews and hiring for summer is typically done during April and May.

  • Assistant managers and cashiers at Cass Park Pool
  • Lifeguards at Cass Park Pool or Stewart Park Camp (camp requires waterfront certification)
  • Summer camp counselors and specialists
  • Swim instructors
Call 607-273-8364 for more information on camp positions or call 607-273-1090 for more information on Cass Park positions.

Interviews and hiring for fall is typically done during mid. August to early September
  • Football and Soccer Referees for Youth programs - Call 607-273-8364 for more information.
Interviews and hiring for winter is typically done during mid September to early October
  • Assistant managers at Cass Park Rink
  • Basketball referee - Call 607-273-8364 for more information
  • Cashiers at Cass Park Rink
  • Rink guards at Cass Park Rink
  • Skate instructors at Cass Park Rink
Call 607-273-1090 for more information regarding the Cass Park Rink positions.



Recreation Partnership

The Recreation Partnership is one of the largest collaborations in NYS.  Our goal is to responsibly use public funds to help support recreation and leisure activities for our youth.  We believe that programs that encourage an active lifestyle, teach life long leisure skills, are safe and fun will help our children grow and develop into healthy adults.  You are a member of the Recreation Partnership if you live in the City of Ithaca, Village of Lansing, Towns of: Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Newfield and Ulysses (including students who attend Trumansburg Schools). With the municipalities in the RP working together we are able to offer programs at a lower price and provide need based scholarships.  Look for programs on this site with an RP discount next to the price.

We’d like to thank elected officials from Partnership municipalities, Recreation Partnership Board Members, participating youth and families and the amazing volunteers who help make our programs successful! We hope you and your family enjoy the many programs and activities offered this season.

Eric Levine
Liz Vance